Occupy, Texas (2016)
This is one of my favorite comedies of recent years!!!
3 January 2023
It goes to show that if you've got your politics right, you can show characters acting in a more generous, willful, humorous, and strong-spined sort of way - it's how the offstage stuff affects the onstage stuff that matters. It's unknown almost since the turn of the century and George Bernard Shaw and Eugene O'Neill and Clifford Odets - this movies the anti-"Reality Bites," and Occupy provides the cover for recovering our wares that only pre-WWII plays could do; the horror overwhelmed everything else, and people started acting like saps. Witness the afore-mentioned movie and the "Dude, I'm so sorry ... I really meant *this* instead!" way-of proceeding, heavy on the guilt and humorlessness and just begging to be liked - begging you to take it *seriously*.

I really liked this movie a lot - it's a lot more "bubbly" than crap that tried to do it on purpose, and it's more sardonic than anything since "Slacker." (If anything, they bring up being "Yanks" more than that movie did - which is to say, it didn't at all - which is a real funny, time/inclination thing.)

Lorelei Linklater is good. So is the other sister, for that matter.

Highly recommended.
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