The best of the latter-day Shemp shorts.
16 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Goof on the Roof is one of The 3 Stooges best shorts and definitely the best of the latter-day Shemp Howard entries. It's also one of the few Stooges shorts that features minimal interaction with other characters. It's all Moe, Larry and Shemp for about 15 minutes.

The boys are sleeping in their onesies when the doorbell rings and they find out that their roommate Bill has gotten married and wants them to move out. Bill also wants them to pay for the installation of a new TV Bill ordered for himself and his new bride. The Stooges decide to install the television themselves and give Bill and the Missus the money as a gift.

Hilarity ensues as the Stooges attempt to clean the house. Buckets of water, a stubborn door, a feather duster between the ears and Moe eating a soap and mustard sandwich and downing it with vinegar are among the slapstick comedy moments of the first half.

When the television arrives, the real damage to the home occurs as Larry lays waste to a wall while looking for the TV knob, Shemp destroys the TV looking for his Cracker Jack ring and Moe gets electrocuted. When Bill and the Missus arrives, they won't recognize the place.

With the constant slapstick of this short, the laughs keep coming. It is a gas seeing Shemp with a bucket over his head from slipping on a bar of soap or the door knocking him down. If you're looking for a surefire short dose of comedy, Goof on the Roof delivers.

Never try to repair your television yourselves, folks.
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