Raw, Dark and Depressing.
28 January 2023
Rating: 9/10

Themes: Drama, Drugs, Addiction, Prostitution, Minors, Relationships, Death, Partying & German.

Review: Wow, this series was definitely intense. It's one thing to see characters who are addicts or prostitutes, but it's another to see the story of how an innocent and naive teenager slowly becomes an addict and prostitute from beginning to end. The descent and downfall of each of these characters was absolutely devastating and heartbreaking to watch. None of them could be described as 'likable' perse (especially not later on), but that wasn't the point. The point was their initial innocence, and how easily it was for all of them to go on a downwards spiral: Just one moment, one conversation or one person led to the ruin of their entire lives. It was impossible not to feel sorry for them as their helplessness and desperation was leaking from every pore. The execution of this series was honestly just exceptionally well done in my opinion.

Also, I just want to quickly mention some of the reviews that said this series somehow "glamorizes" drugs or prostitution, as I'm genuinely confused if I watched the same show as these people or not. Truly, if you watched this series from start to finish and you were left with a feeling along the lines of: "Wow, that looks like so much fun and it seems super cool! I want to do that too!", then I would recommend you seek professional help because that's abnormal. This series most definitely did NOT glamorize any of its topics, and I can assure any potential watchers that that will become glaringly obvious to anyone who plans to pay even a bit of attention to the characters and the progression of their storylines.
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