Makes other J-Lo films look like Oscar contenders
29 January 2023
Wow ... I don't know what I just watched, but I know what it wasn't.

It wasn't a comedy. Because it really, really wasn't funny. Jennifer Coolidge had a couple of good gags, but after that I'm struggling.

It wasn't a romance, because the lead characters aren't in the remotest way endearing or charming ... just irritating.

And it sure as heck wasn't an action movie, because the necessary "turning the tables on the bad guys" just never happened.

I admit I have a soft spot for Maid in Manhattan. And The Wedding Planner wasn't too bad, but otherwise I wish Jenny would choose her vehicles more wisely. Shotgun Wedding wasn't one of her better decisions.

A terrible mess of a movie. The only good thing I can say about it is that J-Lo looks better here than she did when she was 23. How she does it I do not know ... but not a good enough reason to spend 101 minutes of your life on.
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