6 February 2023
I sat down to watch the 2023 animated superhero movie from DC with my 12 year old son. And I had to admit that I was harboring a little bit of expectations to this animated movie from writer Josie Campbell and director Jeff Wamester.

DC does have some fairly entertaining animated movies out there, and while I am not overly much a fan of the superhero genre, then I can still appreciate good storytelling and a properly entertaining movie, even an animated one, when I see it.

"Legion of Super Heroes", however, wasn't all that impressive. Sure, it was watchable, but the storyline was a bit of a swing and a miss for me. The whole thing with alternate universes or future universes just doesn't sit all that well with me.

I will say that the animation and art style in "Legion of Super Heroes" was good, and it made the 83 minutes runtime more bearable to sit through. However, the character gallery in the story was a bit of a swing and a miss as well for me. Supergirl was adequate, but the rest of the characters at that future academy just simply didn't pack any wow-effect.

The voice acting in "Legion of Super Heroes" was good, and that is really important for an animated movie, as it is a make or break kind of deal with the voices. I wasn't familiar with the voices though, but they did good jobs nonetheless.

"Legion of Super Heroes" was not the best of animated movies from DC in my opinion, but it was watchable enough for what it turned out to be. I doubt that I will ever return to watch "Legion of Super Heroes" a second time though.

My rating of "Legion of Super Heroes" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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