Greener Grass (2019)
You love it or you hate it
11 February 2023
This is one of those films that you either love or you hate. I personally loved this movie as I think it is more clever than it appears on the surface. There is a lot more imagery and symbolism than you may see the first watch through (I've watched this movie about 5 times). In fact, there are subtle details that point to some pretty crazy theories.

If you decide to watch Greener Grass, just try not to take the movie too seriously and enjoy it for what it is: satirical surrealism. I think this movie makes a fantastic point of what culture is like today.

I also think it helped that I watched a lot of surrealist films before watching this one (ex. Vertigo, The Red Shoes, Don't Look Now etc.). Understanding that the point of these films is not logic but using surrealism to get a point across.

It actually disappoints me on how little viewers seemed to enjoy and appreciate this film. I think it it may be one of my all time favorites! Give it a shot and try to look at the deeper meaning of it as well as the hilarious and clever Easter eggs they've managed to squeeze into this film.
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