The Storyteller: Sapsorrow (1988)
Season 1, Episode 7
Absolutely beautiful
21 February 2023
Have always been a fan of Jim Henson and 'The Storyteller' has always been a timeless classic of a series. Love all the episodes in their own way, though some are more special than others. A very mature series tonally but with enough to not make it too dark for kids with some episodes being quite playful. Those who love the Muppets, 'The Dark Crystal' and 'Labyrinth' but haven't somehow seen 'The Storyteller' yet should do so absolutely.

For me, "Sapsorrow" is one of the best episodes of 'The Storyteller' which is a show where none of the episodes are bad. It may not be one of the darkest episodes, in the same way that for example "The Heartless Giant", or one of the most emotional, like "The Soldier and Death" (my personal favourite). "Sapsorrow" is though tonally a contender for the most accessible 'The Storyteller' episode, and is definitely one of the best looking in costumes and sets and in the effects work. All of the show is a must, even the weakest episodes like "The Luck Child" is great, and "Sapsorrow" is one of the strongest examples of why.

"Sapsorrow" is one of the best looking episodes, looking splendid. Absolutely love the atmosphere present in the sets and the episode is beautifully shot, with them especially shining at the ball (the most visually beautiful sequence of 'The Storyteller'). Some of the show's best effects are here as well, especially for Sapsorrow's Straggletag form, the very definition of a spooky looking creature with a lot of heart underneath. The music score similarly enchants, is hauntingly beautiful and its melancholic tone fits like a glove with the story's atmosphere.

Was also surprised at how light hearted some of the episode is, with some genuinely funny and not misplaced humour from Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders. Writing always engages with a wide mix of emotions evoked, neither feeling too hammy or too wordy and instead poetic and witty. The story is charming with a lot of atmosphere, and while there are more emotionally investable episodes of 'The Storyteller' the emotion is still there.

The characters are spot on, loved how the princess is easy to root for and sympathise with and how smart she is. Sapsorrow is a very powerfully done creation, spooky at times but also heartfelt. The acting is all fine, particularly from John Hurt (perfect as the Storyteller) and Alison Doody in the title role.

Overall, wonderful. 10/10.
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