Takes way too long to get off the ground
23 February 2023
'The Murder Secret' aka 'Don't Be Afraid of Aunt Martha' is a strange low budget Giallo slasher flick from the late 1980's. This movie has a cool off-kilter atmosphere and an eerie unsettling tone to it, along with some cool gory death scenes. But its not without its flaws such as the awful dubbing, questionable acting/dialogue, bad pacing and predictable plot twists that really bogs things down to sub-par levels.

The plot = Richard Hamilton (Gabriele Tinti) takes his family for a long drive to his Aunt Martha's (Sacha Darwin) house after she has just been released from the asylum after 30 years. Only when they get there, she isn't there just the caretaker Thomas (Maurice Poli) and his message that she will arrive the next day, but can they survive the night with a killer roaming the area.

The direction by Mario Bianchi is competent enough considering the obvious small budget and the cottage location is used effectively enough, but as I already mentioned the pacing is very boring with almost nothing happening for the first hour, I wouldn't mind if the director used this time to flesh out the family or to build some tension. But we don't get any of that unfortunately instead we get a rather mundane set up of pointless interactions with nothing happening. Even with this wafer-thin plot there was potential to add more depth to this movie, but nope instead you're just waiting around until the last act which is where all the excitement happens. Now the death scenes towards the end are rewarding as you do get some shocking violent scenes, but it requires a lot of patience to get there and even then the climax ends on a rather sour and confusing note.

The acting was god-awful the only performance of note worthy was the main lead Gabriele Tinti who was okay but felt way too passive and uninspired to really root for. Overall 'The Murder Secret' is a confusing mess of a Giallo that takes way too long to get off the ground.
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