Exit (2019–2023)
S1 is good but S2-3 deteriorate significantly
21 March 2023
S1 was good, fresh and spiced up with some "true" stories from Oslo finance. However the good true stories are told quickly and already by S2 it is evident that the play writers have to start making up the absolute majority of the stories. This is toxic for the show, as the writers clearly have no idea about financial concepts (various embarrassing misunderstanding of basic concepts are evident) and seemingly also have very little experience with sex, drugs or violence. The show's two key pillars, finance and sodomy, hence disintegrate spectacularly. The political leanings of the writer and whomever from the Norwegian national broadcasting (NRK) that has influence on the show's content also begin to shine through strongly. Suddenly, the underlying morale of the stories told becomes feminist, environmentally friendly, and even socialist. The women and the financial regulators/ economic crime unit employees are suddenly the heroes and the original main characters become reduced to villains that only serve to personify how the rich don't care about neither women's rights, regulation and law, nor the environment. Difficult to watch S2-S3 for anyone who has worked a week in finance.
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