Based upon Stephen King's story ¨Trucks¨ recounts consequences when a comet hits Earth
22 March 2023
A malicious comet passes too close Earth and sets all the mechanical objects in Wilmington, North Carolina, off on bloody killing spree . While , a group of people try to survive when machines start to come alive and become homicidal. Lawnmowers turn nasty , vending machines fire killer cans , and at the Dixie Boy Truck Stop only Emilio Estevez stands between the maniac rigs gathering force outside and the end of civilisation as we know it .Maximum terror ! . Maximum King !. Who Made Who? Stephen King's masterpiece of terror directed by the master himself !. Imagine your worst nightmare: machines take over the world! Evil's wheels !. The day horror went into overdrive !.

Horror institution Stephen King's first shot at directing is an obnoxious , loud , single-idea schlocker concerning what happens when a meteor hits Earth and machines run by themselves , wanting only to kill people . There's carnage galore and interest enough , but it results to be mediocre . King himself described it as ¨Wonderful Moron picture¨ and he was half-right. More a thriller than an all-out Sci-Fi or terror movie , this picture packs tension , suspense , violence , exploitation and amazing conclusion . Based on a Stephen King's story , the horror writer extraordinaire , he's a prolific writer , here dealing with a short tale dealing with a mysterious comet passes close within the Earth, machines all over the World come alive and go on homicidal rampages . King has a library load of books to his credit and a fan base of fanatic's eager to purchase any piece that pours from his platinum pen . Quite obviously many of his books have inspired movie adaptations, however surprisingly the transformation from page to cinema has not always been a successful one. Scanning a list of films based on King's work which features about 120 writing credits , there is a mixture of masterpieces and others average , flops or stinkers . On the one hand we have horror classics like Carrie, The Shinning, Misery and The Mist . And on the other hand , B-movies , blowouts or failures films such as Thinner, Maximum Overdrive, The Tommyknockers, Dreamcatcher , Running Man , Dolan's Cadillac and The Langoliers. And Hollywood keeps buying up the rights to more of Stephen King's stories other directors could take . Casting is frankly decent , such as : Emilio Estevez ,Laura Harrington , Giancarlo Exposito, Yeardley Smith , John Short , Ellen McElduff , Frankie Faison , J. C. Quinn, among others.

It contains noisy hard-rock music by famous band AC/DC that was selected to make the music for the movie by Stephen King himself. The only Stephen King story turned into a movie to be directed by King himself. King shows that as a director , he's an excellent horror writer .Since then King has had numerous short stories and novels published and movies made from his work. He has been called the "Master of Horror". His books have been translated into 33 different languages, published in over 35 different countries.
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