The Formula (1980)
Was Expecting the Worst
22 March 2023
Given the user reviews "The Formula" has gotten on Internet movie sites, I was expecting the worst from this maligned 1980 thriller. Maybe that's why I found myself pleasantly surprised, but I kind of liked this movie. It's schlocky for sure, and I'll admit it doesn't make a lot of sense. I couldn't with any confidence tell anyone why George C. Scott's grizzled police character is pulled into the central plot in the first place. That plot has something to do with big corporations wanting to get their hands on a secret Nazi formula for making synthetic fuel and using it to bilk customers out of more money. What it actually means for the movie is that there is scene after scene of George C. Scott growling at someone for information, leaving the room, and then that someone immediately getting shot in the head from an unseen assassin. This literally happens like four times, and it becomes actually laughable after a point. I found myself warning random characters on screen not to talk to George C. Scott, because it doesn't end well for anyone who does.

Scott acts the hell out of this movie, giving a much better performance than it deserves. He's a joy to watch. And Marlon Brando represents evil corporations, and gives a gonzo performance that's worth the price of admission. I don't know if my favorite scene was the one of him reaming out the pool guy for putting too much chlorine in the pool, or offering George C. Scott a milk dud.

"The Formula" is maybe a guilty pleasure, but I was sure entertained by it.

Inexplicably this movie received an Oscar nomination for Best Cinematography. Mmmmm.....'kay.

Grade: B+
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