Popcorn time
25 March 2023
If you are fan of unexpected twist and turns, if you are into something really unpredictable thriller then this plane is for you to fly on. Indian film industry is now progressing from day to day, trying everytime to manifest with a total different gig in thriller scheme of genre. Comprised of three different writers, this film came up with shocking and thrilling sequence of images. There are certain moments in film that took you to illogical and vague conclusion of film direction though the story writing is so twisted that you would barely acknowledge small loopholes. Very reluctant scene to me When Yami Gautam lost her very first born and there is so short burst span of emotional fallout. Always expected something nice and smart coming from Sharad Kelkar. I am personally a fan of him. Yami Gautam appearence was very natural and eventually elegant. Everyone tried too much to act real but there is something I dont know exactly what, missing. Furthermore the movie title appeared to be somewhat like sitcom which I dislike. The movie is perfect for family, Very few scenes exposed to very little voilence and cinematics were okayish. My all credits to the writers that came up with this mix of thriller, mystery, revenge and action picture.
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