Review of Best Seller

Best Seller (1987)
Weak Thriller
11 April 2023
A former police officer who is now a best-selling author (though of oddly modest means) gets pulled into a scheme by a corporate hit man out for revenge against a corrupt politician.

While I love the idea of a super-fan dragging his favorite author into the world of crime, I feel this movie fails to deliver on its potential in some key scripting areas. For one, it's way too quick and easy for Woods to pull Dennehy in and to make him a willing and trustworthy participant in his criminal doings. Also, the film relies heavily on stupid coincidences and some not-too-surprising plot twists that come too early and only get revealed because characters suddenly decide to act in a reckless manner.

James Woods and Brian Dennehy turn in powerhouse performances. It's too bad that the movie they devote their talents to is otherwise unworthy of their efforts. I do give the musical score some major credit as well, sounding like a cross between Vangelis and Tangerine Dream. It gives this film a serious tone largely undone by the goofy script. Overall this film stands as a product of its time, the 1980's, a decade with lots of promising films (such as TO LIVE AND DIE IN L. A. and YEAR OF THE DRAGON) dragged down by strange virulent recurrences of silliness and unrealism.
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