Excellent leading role vehicle for Yuen Biao
21 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Icemen Cometh is a excellent fantasy/action flick with Yuen Biao as the lead. Yuen Biao is a royal guard to The Ming Emperor and he must go after his former friend that has gone mad abusing his martial arts skills to rape women. This leads them forward in time to 80's Hong Kong where they fight at the end in a final duel. Yuen Biao stops what he thought was an attempt rape and ends up befriending pretty lady Maggie Chung who uses Yuen Biao to beat up her clients and cheat them out of money. A mutual love between the two develops and his main adversary Yuen Wah resurfaces to.reek havoc through modern Hong Kong. Maggie Chung humanized this character greatly as she was excellent in this role. Yuen Biao was also no slouch and played this character very well. Finally, Yuen Wah was fantastic as the psychotic villain and is one of my favorite performances as such. Yuen's brother Sammo did the action choreography and there is tons of great action and amazing fights and stunts. The film looks great and for a storyline this crazy still manages to remain cohesive and flows well at an exciting and fast pace courtesy of director Clearance FoK( best known for cult catagory 3 classic Naked Killer). The acting was also as well done as the action. Overall, there is no weak link in The Icemen Cometh and is a very exciting and innovative action picture from Hong Kong.
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