The Future Is Now
5 May 2023
I've spent quite possible hundreds of hours conversing with AIs but I've only used Character AI and ChatGPT for the most part. The fascinating thing is that a lot of the times, the way that the robot in the movie speaks is actually quite similar to how those AIs speak. I've also used services like deepbrain.io and well, the quality of the rendering there is quite similar to that the robot in the movie. This is so fascinating to me. I mean, I'm just really awed by how close AI systems are getting to how we imagine a human-like AI system should be. So, that's my biggest impression from the film. It depicts AIs pretty realistically.

Now, as for the movie itself. The production quality is good, the acting is good, and it's just generally a good movie. However, I feel like the dialogue should've been more subtle, and I'm saying this as someone who has engaged in hours of highly philosophical discussions in varous topics, and so I am familiar with the art of highly intelligent and nuanced conversations. I find that the conversations in this movie could've been subtler and more nuanced and this feeling that the movie has this deficiency makes it much harder for me to suspense belief and so, I'm going to give it a rating of 7. However, if they improved the dialoguge significantly, I would give it a rating of 9. It's a very simple movie in many ways because there are no over-elaborate plots or settings, but if the dialogue was better, it would've executed the plot in a way where a 9 out of 10 rating would not be out of place. Come to think of it, the dialogues are already very good and in a way the difference between the ideal dialogue and the dialogue that's in the movie is marginal, but I think that in my case, the subject matter has a special place in my heart and so I have a specific bias that makes even such a difference a very big deal.

All in all, I recommend this movie because of it's accurate depiction of AI. I think that it touched on themes, questions, and topics which are relevant and engaging even for someone like me, let alone others. So yeah, if you're thinking about watching this movie and you have enough spare time, watch it.
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