6 May 2023
Having seen A 1,000 ACRES in a theater many years ago, for some reason, I blocked it out and had little recollection of it. Funny how we humans often block things out!

In fact, I wouldd like to categorize ACRES a "Human Flick". (As opposed to...you know what!) I like a movie that consistently refuses to follow your expectations. At least for me, from beginning to end, despite having seen it before, I just couldn't get it right! KUDOS to ACRES. Produced by, Based on a novel written by, Screenplay by, Directed by and Starring WOMEN! Yes, HERE, they do it ALL! And a job exquisitely well-done, I might add!

From the onset, it's obvious that patriarch Larry Cook (Jason Robards, Jr., in one of his last really meaty, showcase roles) together with his 3 daughters; Jessica Lange, Michelle Pfeiffer and Jennifer Jason Leigh (Stunning ensemble performances) form an utterly dysfunctional family.

Apparently, the premature death of Larry's wife, the girls' mother, when they were all children, served as the defining event in all their lives, derailing each member and hurtling them into disparate realities...The operative word here being, "Apparently". Robards is inspired as the old-school, iron-fisted farmer, who, because of his age, is beginning to show a few cracks; starting to lose his grip.

Probably sensing this, the old-man pulls the rug out from everyone when he announces at a family dinner that he has decided to screw the government out of inheritance taxes on his choice 1,000 Acres by forming a corporation where each daughter is an equal partner. All his daughters are stunned, but the two eldest go along with the idea. Caroline, the youngest, who happens to be a lawyer, exercising professional caution, says she'd like to think it over a bit. The old man is beside himself, and sets off a chain of events. There is a very deftly handled undercurrent that adds a potent dose of tension throughout the film. I loved the ending. I imagine a lot of people simply did not!

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