Review of WiseGirls

WiseGirls (2002)
Not related to the Wise Guys
4 June 2023
No pun intended and in a sense maybe they are ... at least connected that is. Mira Sorvino is giving it her all - and while she may have a few instances in the movie where you may think what is happening (acting wise), it never goes downlow Mariah Carey ... and I say this while I kind of love her - but her acting abilities seem limited to say the least.

Still there is much to discover here and while it is best for you to suspend your disbelief. The movie does feel more like a mixture of different genres. And have seen worse - you can tell it is very professional - the twists on the other hand may not be too surprising. Which is ok - it was nice seeing some of the actors ... trying their undercover ...
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