Seize the Day (1986)
Robin Williams' most forgotten film.
2 July 2023
Before Robin Williams extolled the adage, "Seize the day" in Dead Poet's Society, he starred in an obscure TV movie with the same title. These two movies are not connected at all. This may not be Williams' worst movie, but it's definitely one that got barely any attention. Williams' plays Tommy Wilhelm, a down on his luck former actor and salesman who gets fired from his job, kicked out of the house by his wife, estranged from his children and must face his father in NYC to seek help.

Aside from the broad range of acting skills Williams' displays here, he can be very difficult to watch. The personal crisis, day to day failures and misfortunes he endures can test our movie watching patience. Williams had a penchant for playing characters, who in the midst of their desperation, could bring humor to the role and get us cheering for him. But this is not funny at all. There's no humor to be discerned. We just see a desperate fellow and a series of his failed attempts to get a break in life. His father is a stern and unloving old doctor who shuns Tommy's pleas for help, and consequently, criticizes and demoralizes Tommy for every suggestion Tommy makes. Tommy's only friend in this movie is played by a very sleazy and gruesome Jerry Stiller, who comes off as a sincere friend trying to help, but only betrays and cons Tommy out of his money. This comes at a time when Tommy is most vulnerable, desperate and in need of a break. This film is too depressing that it's almost comical to watch in that we can't believe this guy can be so unlucky. The story plays out like some sob story a drunk would tell you in a bar. There's no joy to be derived from it. This is pure drama. There aren't any funny bits. Saul Bellow, an unsuccessful writer, wrote this screenplay. It's obvious why he never did anything noteworthy. The film has some technical goofs: Sound loops and dubbing get inserted and don't match the action. There are a couple awkward jump cuts and lighting issues that look poorly constructed. This story takes place in the late 1950's, but we see some 1980's Models and makes of cars in the background.

It's very hard to find information on this movie online. Apparently, critics ignored it. It's a movie with a rather dire outlook on life. We just witness a hapless loser get duped, shunned, rejected and screwed at every turn. The problem here is that we don't arrive at any conclusion as to why he arrives in this crisis. Is he stupid? Have poor judgment? Is he just surrounded by Assholes? Perhaps it's all the above.
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