bowling for Merchant/Ivory
3 July 2023
If you hear that "The Golden Bowl" is a Merchant/Ivory movie, then you'll probably conclude that it's a costume drama based on a piece of classic literature. You'd be right. I should note that I've never read the novel on which the movie is based (and most likely never will, considering how long it takes me to get through books).

Anyway, the movie is about overlapping romances among families in the early 20th century (in fact, in a few days it will be the 120th anniversary of the wedding day). All the cast members put on fine performances, as I expected that they would, but the fact remains that I always feel inclined to riff these movies MST3K-style. When he showed her the Raphael painting and asked why she thought Raphael had painted it, I blurted out "Because Splinter gave him time off from ninja-ing?"

OK, that's tangential. The point is that this is a long, complex movie. If you're into stories of the wealthy from the days of yore, then this is the movie for you.
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