A worth while sequel and final. And why you dont have to believe the haters...
3 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What do the haters complain about? And why you should still watch this final edition.

1 The first Indiana Jones editions were the best.

This new edition has got the same spirit, the same amount of action, the same amount of adventure and I loved it (almost) as much as the early editions.

2 The leading actress Phoebe is a disaster.

My personal opinion is that she aint bad at all. She shines. And dont forget she doesnt have to carry this movie, Harrison Ford does.

3 Harrison Ford has gotten old and grumpy.

Correct. He has been always grumpy! And yes, he has gotten old and director James Mangold shows Indiana's old age in all of it's demise AND glory. Respect!

4 There are no jokes. It's too serious with too many killings.

Rubbish. There are still enough good jokes, but not the "in your face" jokes we were used to. But I love the more subtle, indirect jokes.

It is more serious though and I LIKE IT. Even an adventure needs some serious notes, to be more credible. And by the way, I am not a kid anymore and so arent many other Indiana fans!

5 Steven Spielberg didnt direct it.

But James Mangold did and whoever googles Mangold's Imdb carreer, soon will find out this director has made some fabulous movies. I applaud his direction!

I loved this edition. It had everything I needed in an adventure packed movie. It thrilled me. It made me laugh. And the final scenes really TOUCHED me and gave me goosebumps. I had a wonderful time watching this last edition!

Just another solidly made Indiana Jones flick. Enjoy the show!

Thank you for reading my 2000 th review on Imdb.
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