Excellent mid life rock and roll indie film
14 July 2023
Anyone who is 1) over the age of 40 and 2) ever played in a band can relate to this film. Middle age approaches quicker than Malmsteen sweep picking, and one is left wondering what happened to all the hopes and dreams.

The truth is, the hopes and dreams never left, only the time to pursue them. That is what we find in this film. The crap rehearsal spaces, the in fights, creative control arguments will be all to familiar and play as a sort of "our band never made it big" kind of Spinal Tap that any musician can relate to, like looking through an old book of photographs. Alex Emanuel (Jimmy), does a fine job as what I consider the heart and soul of the band and wrote some pretty ass kicking music for the film as well.

Unlike many indie films shot in NYC, this one doesn't fall into the cliche of try to score cheap credibility by using every "hip" place the neighborhood has to offer. The film concentrates on the story rather than try to be a post card or love letter to the Big Apple. One does not feel that this is the story of a New York band, it could be any band of middle age people in any city in America trying to give their dreams one last shot.
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