Easing Off In The Writing Department
1 August 2023
Edward Keane is a retired judge running a ranch where he employs paroled criminals to get them back into society. Parole officer Roy Roger is a frequent visitor, so when ex-forger Russ Vincent goes missing and his dog returns with.a bullet in his leg, everyone is concerned. The oddities continue when Vincent's sister, Estelita Rodriguez shows up believing he owns the ranch, and then vanishes, and a mountain lion starts attacking people.

There are a couple of instances of poor writing here; both the dog and Trigger get shot in a leg, but are back in full vigor as soon as the bullets are removed. By now, the Sons of the Pioneers have been replaced by Foy Willing and the Riders of the Purple Sage, and the songs are pretty good, and Dale Evans is sheriff Harry Strang's daughter and his deputy while he is gone for most of the movie. The usual good stuntwork and color cinematography by John MacBurnie keep this one watchable at all times, but the holes in the story bother me; the Roy Rogers series had long been notable for their writing.
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