Good but short. Not epic enough.
7 August 2023
I am a huge fan of the Resident Evil games and all the movies. So, naturally, I had big expectations for this movie. For the first time, we saw Chris, Leon, Jill, Claire and Rebecca together and I cant say that I'm disappointed, but I'm also not very satisfied. The story is good, nothing special but good enough. The villain is very archetypal but it has some interesting details. The most important thing is that the five main characters are great. They act as you may expect, having known them from the video games and such.

Now, the reason why I think it is not great and just good. It's all part of one problem: it's too short. Normally, talking about movies, people complain about the opposite, that movies are too long, but this is a special case. This movie lasts almost 90 minutes. It is very short and it feels that way. It should last at least 30 minutes more. The problem is that this movie should be epic, but it doesn't have enough time to be. Because you need time to build expectations and create emotion. You have five main characters and a villain. Each of them needs screen time. Everything happens very fast and you don't get any time to digest this epic reunion.

This is supposed to be like The Avengers for Resident Evil fans; all your heroes together at last. But it ended up too quickly and didn't exploit any of the big moments that we waited years to see.
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