Sweet & Simple Scooby Doo!!
9 August 2023
This one takes me back. Watching it now with my little cousin I can relax and enjoy it too. There's no real life lessons expect seeing how much little girls love their dads and Shaggy and Scooby accepting the girls just like any other girls. The military school was a nice comparison but still had health rivalry and compassion between the two schools. The voice talents were absolutely amazing! I can see how they became so iconic. It was nice to get a young kid into the old Scooby Doo with nothing to worry about other than explaining how there was no cell phones and internet. She really liked the movie and the old 70's show more the the modern ones. Hopefully the oldies will make a come back and just stay immortalized.

Overall sweet & simple Scooby Doo 6/10. Nothing wrong with it.
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