Review of Rampant

Rampant (2018)
Good enough attempt
13 August 2023
Attempted to blend historical drama with zombie horror, resulting in an average cinematic experience, in my view.

The movie's premise of incorporating zombies into a historical setting was an interesting twist, offering a unique take on both genres. However, the execution didn't fully live up to the potential, and the film struggled to strike a perfect balance between historical elements and horror.

While the characters were serviceable, they lacked the depth needed to truly engage the audience. This made it challenging to feel a strong emotional connection with their struggles, despite the dire situation they found themselves in.

The action sequences were visually appealing, showcasing well-choreographed fights and intense moments. However, they sometimes overshadowed character development and plot progression, leaving certain aspects of the story feeling underdeveloped.

Rampant managed to deliver some thrilling moments and a few scares, but overall, it fell short of delivering a truly outstanding cinematic experience. The fusion of historical drama and horror had potential, but the movie ultimately struck a middle ground, resulting in an average watch that might not leave a lasting impression.
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