Navajo Joe (1966)
Navajo Joe is a vehicle to Burt Reynolds exposes his athlete's skills on overaction Spaghetti!!
2 September 2023
According own words of Burt Reynolds which he reposts as half-breed Cherokee-Italian roots then in Navajo Joe he plays himself, after made thousands series as guest star, Burt decides going to Europe to follow the tracks of Clint Eastwood aiming for give an upgrade at its career, there thru his skills as football's athlete allowed him a stunning performance on the role as Navajo Joe, impressing the producers and the audience as forthcoming Hollywood star.

As said a Italian producer once "Western on America is fair veritable, instead spaghetti western is pure fantasy", it somehow applies here, a half-breed Indian Navajo Joe conducting a train, asking reward money and so for, he tracks down the scalps hunters lead by the butcher half-blood Mervyn "Vee" Duncan (Aldo Sambrell) who hates their both sides of its provenance, he leads a huge gang, that settle a train robbery with a covered informer, Navajo Joe warned by the Indian Estella (Nicholetta Machiavelli) about he upcoming robbery, he enters in the game to hinder the assault and delivering the train with box on board with the money to Esperanza city thru their politicians, Sheriff and Bankers, in exchange he asking a reward for Duncan's head and one dollar for each citizens,.

Then Starting a game of cat and mouse, meanwhile Navajo Joe struggles alone against thirty or so of Duncan's gang, Navajo Joe's guerrilla warfare tactic quite often ambush one by one on the shadow, slowly Duncan's gang in reduction process until the showdown at Indian Burial ground when Navajo Joe faces Duncan at last, here the scene explain why Navajo Joe seeking Duncan, aside all noticeable mismatches the craftsman director Sergio Corbucci overcame himself in a breathtaking scenario, lavish sets to make up for its incongruities displayed along the picture, let it see easy of the great Burt Reynolds.

Thanks for reading.


First watch: 1981 / How many: 3 / Source: TV-DVD / Rating: 7.
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