Butt Boy (2019)
Have you seen the remote?
10 September 2023
I am definitely drawn to movies with a unique premise. Butt Boy plays out fairly unconventionally, too, and its super-absurd story unravels in a serious tone (occasionally punctuated by quirky characters). With all that said, I would think this is a movie for a very select audience. It's so off-kilter, and tonally all over the place, that I thought aspects of it worked against itself. To say it's lowbrow and ridiculous (and serious!) is an understatement.

Brow-beaten and depressed young dad Chip, forced into marriage by an unplanned pregnancy, needs his first prostate exam. Which seems to go on far too long. Subsequently, Chip takes a real liking to sticking things in his butt. Before the credits roll, he has graduated from remote control, to small pet dog, to stranger's baby!

Cut to 9 years later, and Chip is an AA sponsor (is his addiction sticking things up his butt? The alcoholism aspect is not explored). Upon his first meeting, (extremely) grizzled Detective Fox is assigned Chip as his sponsor. Fox is researching a missing child case, and becomes real weary of Chip, for a variety of reasons.

I did enjoy Detective Fox's (Tyler Rice) performance, but really, really had an issue on the other side of the screen, with co-writer/director (Tyler Cornack, ok, I think we've met our quota of Tyler's. Wait, there's ANOTHER one?!) casting himself in the starring title role. He exudes exactly ZERO charisma or personality. And I mean, I get it, he's supposed to be a schlub (married inexplicably to a gorgeous woman (Shelby Dash) for a decade, who doesn't even like him), but he is played as such a non-character, I couldn't help but think they could've gotten a more interesting performance from someone off the street. If you're giving yourself a vanity role, at least make some effort.

Also, the ending! One half total nonsense, one half contrived Hollywood cop out... Which flies in the face of the critic's quote in the trailer, which says something along the lines of "Flies in the face of Hollywood conventions"!! (referring to the movie itself). Ah... critics.
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