flies in the face of B-Horror convention, and occasionally delivers delirious excesses of Euro-cult insanity!
5 October 2023
While it would be entirely just to say 'Zombie 5: Killing Birds' fails to soar to the surrealistic heights of, Lucio Fulci's Grand Guignol masterpiece, 'Zombie', Claudio Lattanzi's idiosyncratic instalment, if enjoyed on on its own, not immodestly bizarre merits, presents itself as a luridly eccentric, if not universally adored Italian schlock-fest! A noisome van-load of collegiate ornithologists take a field trip to document the existence of a rare species of bird, but not only does said bird frustratingly remain elusive, these intrepid students are fatefully forced to spend a restless night in a seemingly deserted, monumentally eerie, far from hospitable house. Not long into their fitful kip when they must all violently repel all macabre manner of ghoulish apparitions in order to avoid their very own extinction!!!

Eschewing logic with admirable zeal, Lattanzi's batso-bonkers, eyeball poppingly grisly 'Zombie 5: Killing Birds' provides a sanguineous series of supernaturally strange close encounters with sinister looking crusty attack zombies, and gruesomely outlandish, ornithologically ominous horrors! The appealingly oddball, if not altogether subtle 'Zombie 5 Killing Birds' remains an inventive, frequently hallucinatory, scintillatingly splatter-slathered goofy B-Horror gem. Claudio Lattanzi's not always finely feathered fright-flick rewardingly flies in the face of B-Horror convention, and occasionally delivers delirious excesses of Euro-cult insanity! The underappreciated music maestro, Carlo Maria Cordio's provides yet another exemplary score!
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