Beautifully written film about hope and healing from someone who has gone thru it
29 October 2023
It's true what they say that Life imitates art; this movie is beautifully written and gives an idea of what we (Military, First Responders) suffer from.

Having been in the shoes of the characters, the film accurately depicts what the majority of us go thru. The pain, grief, trauma, anger, suffering, vulnerability, resilience, hope and.... letting go and finding purpose to live again.

As a military veteran and first responder who has had to live with trauma, grief and guilt the film accurately and at times painstakingly portrays the struggle of those suffering from pain and trauma. Whether it's from war or a personal loss.

Each character holds an important story in the film and it's something that the majority of people can relate to.

Watching the scenes at times was painful because I've suffered the exact same symptoms these characters exhibit from the drinking, flash backs, nightmares, panic attacks and suicidal thoughts. From losing the only purpose I had and finding a new one, the journey of healing and being open but more importantly realizing that their is hope and life is worth living.

I commend the film and cast for honestly telling the story of healing and being able to find a reason to live, laugh and hope again.
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