Review of Promise

Smallville: Promise (2007)
Season 6, Episode 16
Couldn't Have Ended Any Other Way
7 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I remember a conversation that I had with a friend shortly after this episode first aired. He couldn't believe how it had ended. I said, "Come on. You didn't really think it was going to work out well, or that Clark was actually going to be able to propose to Lana, did you? It's Clark and LOIS, not Clark and Lana!" He sighed and said, "Yeah, I know."

The irony of life is that there are always consequences, and many of the poor choices that Lana has made (some obviously influenced to a degree by Clark), led her to this moment, and frankly, I had no sympathy for her. She made her own bed, despite many viewers, including myself, who were sick and tired of the Clark/Lana merry-go-round. Six seasons of this was enough to put this into "Days of Our Lives" territory.

Told from the perspective of Clark, Lana, and Lex, this episode plays out like Rashomon. Each of them has a nightmare before waking up, and finally Lana gets her biggest clue about Clark. Of course, she doesn't have all of the answers, but she now knows that he's different, which again, leads her to make a rash decision before Lionel shows up to stop her.

You've got to hand it to Lionel and his ability to always be lurking in the shadows to get information and see what's going on. This is something that Lex is still lacking, which Lionel points out just before slapping Lex for his sloppiness. This is another reason why Lionel Luthor is one of the best characters of Smallville. Now, at this point, I do remember wondering if Lionel has been playing Clark or not, and it wouldn't be until the end of the season when that reveal would come.

The Lana/Lex wedding went just about as I thought it would. Lana standing tearfully and reluctantly accepting her fate as Lex's wife, mostly because she's never been able to love the one person who's needed it most: herself.
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