Review of Cobra

Cobra (2020–2023)
Simple and predictable at times but not too shabby for a British original drama
11 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This feels really high budget with good production value which is scarce in britain even Doctor Who lost any sense of production value over 5 years ago so this gets points for that, but it obviously has flaws really glaring flaws at times like in the first series the main antagonist gets hit by a car and killed by who you ask the answer is who knows cos it just doesnt cler it up and ends really suddenly, then skips 2 years i assume cos it doesnt date it so i guess robert carlyle won the general election and do they bother exploring that, nope. But stop right there you say series 2 doesnt have any unresolved issues oh wait yes it does, that reporter dude got shot but nah who cares about that, who was handling him not really even stated that much and who blew up the sunk ship its hinted at being America but never said and in the next series Francines MP election isnt even brought up and lets not mention them doing like a whole series worth of stuff in the last episode like why are they rushing a conclusion the pacing is terrible.

Thats the bad but there ius good, Richard Dormer is excellnt and unfortunately absent from part 3 with no context, Carlyle isnt bad but i think his performance and character as a whole declines poorly he was quite cool and heroic in series 1 but he just becomes a bit of a shrub in the later parts. Nobody else is worth mentioning.

The writing on characters ranges from really good to predictably lame especially with the wife and daughter they are just poor and misused plot devices at times, Francine is the biggest switcheroo shes good in 2, lame in 1 and kinda okay in 3.

Now i have to address the elephant in the room this show is about tories and it really doesnt portray them very accurately even Archie the obvious parallel of current tories feels to clever and sometimes patriotic for a tory the ginger lass in 3 is way to clever and confident organising a military coup to be a tory and Caryle is way too liberal to be a tory, Labour are portrayed in part 2 as quite coniving as well which i think is more for the thematic purpose of the show but i dont think labour have it in them to be so coniiving.

British politics is full of really bad guys at this time who are almost comically incompetant and daft and this show does not do that justice, so it loses me at times with its version of our government, you can say the characters being unrealistic is good or bad but it is what it is and the scenarios shown are completely wild and them all converging to happen so quickly is bad writing but saying that i enjoyed it i would have made it 10 episodes a series and had more character development andmore government figures portrayed but 7/10 seems fair for good production value and decent entertainment value if you ignore that ginger lass saying 'wokerati' thats just completely cringe inducing.
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