The Definitive Cultural Prism for Comparing Regional and Class Differences in Colombia!
6 December 2023
FIRST: Let us FOCUS on the Titles's Content and Context....´

As to whether or not CARACOL is the BEST Colombian film ever made is certainly open to debate. But that it is, undoubtedly, far and away my personal favorite is not!

It's probably safe to say that many countries celebrate their regional and class cultural differences. Colombia obsesses over them! If you are relatively unfamiliar with said differemces...there is no better way to introduce yourself than via this delicious example of late 20th Century Colombian film-making (1993).

CARACOL is an unrivaled showcase for Colombian talent. Sergio Cabrera directs, masterfully, and also doubles as script-writer. And what a superb and nuanced work he has crafted! Those of you who speak fluent Spanish will, undoubtedly, be able to savor the semantic texture and subtleties Cabrera applies so skillfully!

If ever there were a film tailor-made for the "Lost in Translation" Syndrome, I'm sure ESTRATEGIA is it! (To be honest, I have seen it a number of times in its original Spanish, so this is a supposition on my part, but I'm sure CARACOL does not lend itself, in the least, to translation!)

There is an underlying Universal theme, which people from every country on earth, who have ever felt the overwhelming sense of frustration and impotence that is an inevitable byproduct of battling a lethargic, glacier-paced bureaucracy, certainly can identify with! Undoubtedly, almost all of us have experienced moments such as these in our lives!

The cast is composed of some of the very best Colombia had to offer in the 1990's, so much so, that looking through the cast credits is pretty much a "Who's Who" of Colombian acting talent! Fausto Cabrera, Sergio's father, was born in Spain and was 71 when CARACOL was shot. Frank Ramirez, (Condores No Entierran Todos los Dias/A Man of Principle) has also appeared in a few American TV Series; Vicki Hernandez, practically a household name in Colombia, had a small role in PROOF OF LIFE (2000).

So as to not cross the "Spoiler" threshold, let me say that the final scene has one of the greatest tag lines/Punch lines I have ever seen in any film in Spanish. Sadly, it is hard for me to envision any possible translation that would have the same impact on English speaking viewers.... But Please don't let this stop you from getting your hands on a copy for viewing! CARACOL is a real "Must See" for all Citizens of the WORLD!!!

*10* Bureaucracy ladened hurdles STARS*


Any comments, questions or observations, in English o en Español, are most welcome!...
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