Mixed Nuts (1994)
A Christmas Delight! One of my faves!
25 December 2023
Just read the cast list!!! So many comedic legends - who knew Jon Stewart was also an actor and not just a former host on Comedy Central? He, along with the lively Parker Posey, make cameo appearances and start off a comical series of interrelated events.

However, it's difficult to measure who generated the most laughs between Steve Martin, Liev Schreiber and the late great Madeline Kahn. All three set off my laugh barometer!

Steve Martin's gestures and delivery are priceless and Liev's characterization is spot on and surprisingly poignant yet funny. He is remarkably convincing in his role and quite sweet, as is the adorable Adam Sandler.

I don't want to mention any particular scenes as you just have to watch it to appreciate it as I do, along with the other IMDB reviewers who feel it's hugely underrated and a true holiday gem. Heck, the wonderful deadpan Steven Wright even makes a very brief but effective cameo.

Kick back and relax with a huge bowl of popcorn for a rewarding and heartfelt evening at Christmastime! The soundtrack of holiday tunes is also fantastic!
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