Deaimon (2022)
A refreshing Watch Anime!
8 January 2024
Many of us may have tried watching Shounen anime, and thriller movies and now all we want is feel-good anime to make us refresh and give us a soothing feel, this anime is for you.

The Plot is not much. A simple plot with many sub-plots which may seem like filler but that's the anime.

This anime has Romance, a love triangle and Emotions. This anime talks about the complex relationship of the MC with a little girl and how it develops throughout the story.

The Love triangle is not a messed one. It's done perfectly by showing us the perspectives of the characters included in the triangle and how they feel for each other.

All the actions of the characters have good reasoning which makes the characters more fun and engaging to watch. They are lot of Comedy included and some characters and only for comic purposes.

Since it is a Japanese confectionery-based anime, I was more into the animation. The animation soothes our minds and body. It has that particular power.

9/10 Signing off, Thank You.
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