Saturday's the one day he can't win.
13 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
When violent criminal John Garfield ends up in Attica, he starts off be being just as violent behind bars as he was on the streets. But he has a code due to patterns in his own life that he doesn't take risks on Saturday, and after an equally violent prisoner (Burgess Meredith) plans a breakout, Garfield's in until he finds out the intended day, impressing warden Pat O'Brien by not participating. He earns enough trust to gain temporary leave when girlfriend Ann Sheridan ends up in the hospital, but circumstances beyond his control threaten to keep him from returning.

This remake of "20,000 Years in Sing Sing" is probably one of the few A grade Warner Brothers remakes (along side "The Maltese Falcon"), and briskly moves along thanks to the superb direction of Anatole Litvak who turns a prison picture into a work of art. Certainly there are aspects of the plot that don't make much sense and weakens it overall, but when something is so good, those aspects are forgivable. Garfield may not be a likeable guy here, but his performance is top notch, and the result nearly superb.
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