Weird or What? (2010–2012)
Click bait for the year 2010...or as they say "I couldn't look away...". The competition between shatter and mimic is alive and well
27 January 2024
Apparently, Shatner will dive to no depth unseen just to compete with Nimoy for camera time. You've heard the stories about onset ba shatter would pull to get fellow actors blocked out of shots. To the movies and the fact that Shatner secured directing duties in STV since Nimoy was given ST4 when he was enticed to come back.

This series is just one of the collateral damage caught on film in that private little war. It's ham strung and piece medaled together with cheesey cliff hangers before commercials and other stuff that by any standard would be labeled "yeah, kind of different" as compared to "weird or what?" But, alas, Bill, Leonard did it first, and did it better. Even if his experts were just as dubious.

More proof of the competition, aside from the movie stuff above, go to you tube and check out "ballad of bilbo baggins" by Leonard Nimoy. Get ready for some laughs. They even have him dressed up in his pointy era and helmet hair cut from Star Trek tos...and he's smiling. It's almost surreal and certainly off putting. Now, ready for this. "Rocket man" from William Shatner on YouTube. You will not be disappointed. It takes itself wayyyy too seriously and puts you in the mood to reflect on the meaning of ...I'm kidding. You'll be laughing even harder on this one.

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