Good at what it tries to be - a teenage boy's sexual fantasy.
30 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So, what is a fantasy? Basically, any story in which impossible or improbable things happen, anything unrealistic that wouldn't happen in real life. That's the basics. By default, most fantasy stories tend to positive - such as slaying a dragon to become a hero (otherwise, if they're not positive, they usually come with a qualifier: dark-fantasies). In this case, it's the fantasy of a teenage boy conveniently put into a situation where several beautiful and sexy women are sexually hungry for him just as he is for them. If there was a poll done asking men if they ever had a fantasy similar to this at any point during teenagerhood, I'm confident it'd be a majority "yes". The thing is, something like this can't happen in real life, at least not without hefty consequences. In real life, at least these days, at least one of these women would have immediately shut down his forceful sexual advances and accused him of attempted rape or assault. One actually did resist at first, until he convinced her quite easily that no one would know of her infidelity.... so then it was ok! Lol.

There is more to the story than that, though. It's a coming-of-age and sexual awakening story. The boy starts off almost like a hungry cartoon weasel for his first sexual encounter. But by the end, he's noticeably more confident, laid back, and mature, as he's learnt something from all the women he's met. He comes to genuinely care for all of them. It's also a story that makes you think about another less considered side of the war, such as what happened with those who couldn't fight or directly contribute to the war effort. Could this be one of those untold, secret stories? Could something like this have been possible? The success of this film is that as fantastical as its story is, the acting, direction, cinematography, and everything makes you believe it could have happened.

It's also really funny at points. I don't know how anyone can say that a virgin boy getting c*ckblocked (sorry, there's no other proper word for it, it may as well be in the dictionary) on the verge of his first time by the declaration of world war 1 isn't hilarious. That's gotta be one of the funniest moments in cinema history. The ridiculous premise of the whole movie had me laughing, actually - "Why is this kid getting away with everything!? Why does he keep getting so lucky!?".

I'm just glad to see a rare film that depicts sex and sexuality and something fantastical, fun, and joyful for once, rather than connected with some dark drama or other problematic issues.

I wouldn't even call this pornographic. Since it's the fantasies-come-true of a 15 year old, they never show any explicit sex, it's always implied or shown in a way where he's off screen. So don't go into this expecting pornographic sex scenes, not even simulated.
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