Viewing experience hindered by bad transcription of English subtitles.
9 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This Answering Service Takes No Messages is a 1979 French art house film about a man who withdraws from society, locks himself in his apartment, and reflects on letters written by his deceased wife. He talks to himself in voiceover as were shown different images including paintings, drawings, and a couple home movies which gives us insight into his wrecked mind.

For the entire movie his head is wrapped in bandages like Claude Rains in The Invisible Man. Eventually, he begins to paint all the walls in his apartment black.

I was curious about this movie and was able to get a hold of a copy recently. The biggest hindrance to the film is the transcribing of the English subtitles. At certain points they just freeze on one sentence while the voiceover is obviously saying a lot more. For the entire movie, "The Man", as he is credited, is shown walking around his apartment, knocking on doors, and painting the walls. That's it. There are no other people in the movie. Although we do briefly hear a voiceover from a woman, presumably his wife.

At one point "The Man" breaks a chair down into small pieces which he later uses to make a fire. Other descriptions have said that he does all of this to avoid the angel of death. But it's basically a glimpse into the life of a man who's mental capacity is slipping and feels all alone after the death of his wife.

I'm certain for most people sitting through this would be a complete bore, especially if they know they have to read subtitles. The movie is a short 67 minutes and if the synopsis interests you then give it a watch. If you can find a copy.
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