Some casting misfires but film has its charms.
10 February 2024
Not having read any Agatha Christie novels, I just have a few observations.

Peter Ustinov can do no wrong in my eyes and I like his portrayal of Poirot much better than Albert Finney's, whose voice as the character I found forced and grating. Ustinov always adds levity, wit and wry observations to his characters as he also does here. (See Peter as Nero in "Quo Vadis," especially his interactions with Leo Genn, and in "We're No Angels" as a fellow convict with Humphrey Bogart and Aldo Ray. And, with the recent passing of the charming Glynis Johns, catch Peter's relationship with her in "The Sundowners," which is a joy to watch.

Back to this film, as other reviewers have also noted, Jack Warden is miscast and unconvincing as the German doctor, plus his accent is annoying. I am usually a fan but not of this portrayal.

Additionally, I feel the same of Mia Farrow. I saw no chemistry between her and Simon MacCorkindale. He was always charming and it is a shame that he died at age 58. Mia is a mousie misfire for me as her character in this role.

Maggie Smith and Bette Davis are a hoot together. However, some of Maggie's attire has all the charm of a prison matron.

Moving on, I don't understand Angela Lansbury's character. Was she supposed to act intoxicated the entire movie? I adore her too but was confused by her characterization in this film.

Finally, I found Mr. Choudbury charming and funny as the concierge.
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