This one is the worst doc about cult I have ever watched...
10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
...so far.

Every time I see something about cult leaders I get very very triggered. "Why?" This is always the question in my mind. And: "I just can not understand people in general, but these ones I understand less." And I sincerelly feel a total despise about every one of them.

You can see some in this very doc series wearing that ridiculous necklace. Rael starts saying that catholicism is bad because you believe in someone with a white beard in the clouds, but, in the same direction he believes in green creatures, from, well, the sky. And also, he started his cult with baptism with, wow, WATER!

I can not understand these people, I think that must have some point in human brain that some alerts need to ring. I see that some of these got alerts when he, again, asked them to pay 10% of their salaries, and, haha 1% to the "prophet" hahaha like we tithe from the ahhh you know.

The thing that remains in my head is: Rael wanted only 2 things: money and sex. No money, no sex, and mainly when you are ugly af. Like he is. There are 2 kind of people in this world: the smart ones and their followers that are (Since I can not say the word here) well, not that smart.

The thing that really annoyed me more in this doc is that this bald horrible crearure is still alive. I liked the "wild wild west" because you get the relief that osho died. But there was still a bunch of not that smart people following him even after its death (yeah I used "it").

If you know someone that is falling into something like this, show them all of these kind of cult docs, watch with them, it is funny, there are a lot of things ti laugh at. And make the ridiculous thing evident, or, you should right in the begining stay away from this kind of friend because, you know: "A man is known by the company he keeps." So keep away.
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