A Roommate to Die For (2023 TV Movie)
Why didn't she CHANGE THE LOCKS??
12 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A Roommate to Die For

Her first of many mistakes was even thinking about letting a stranger of the opposite sex move into her house - and then not even do a halfway thorough background check. For a supposedly intelligent realtor or real estate lawyer - whatever she was - that was careless and dumb. Taking a strange guy into your house, where you SLEEP, based on the fact he was charming during the initial interview. But the dumbest thing of all was not changing the locks when he left the night of the party. Oh and also install an alarm system while you're at it since it didn't seem like there was one in the house.

I could only shake my head and roll my eyes when she was driving back from the police station with Jeremy the next day, when he asked her if Vince would come back to the house and she said she didn't know and was scared. There would have been no way he could get back in the house if she would have changed the locks. He got the room under false pretenses and committed fraud by giving a false name on the lease, so that should have broken it for that reason alone, along with not paying half the bills like he had agreed to in writing. So she was within her rights to change the locks to keep him out.

The other blatantly stupid thing she did was confronting him with facts - including his real name and the assault he had committed in high school - when she was alone with him, without even so much as pepper spray hidden behind her back. At that point she knew he was potentially dangerous, yet she risked her life by "poking the bear" with nothing to defend herself with if he became violent.

And the worn out trope of the villain putting cameras all over the victim's house is in 8 out of 10 LMN movies and is so tiresome by now. And in this movie, there was really no point in it. I must admit it was clever for the villain to accuse the victim of putting a camera in his room, to keep suspicion off of him if the other cameras were found later on.

Disappointing to see the usual amount of Lifetime plotholes throughout, and factual mistakes such as Faith being given a restraining order just because she knows Jeremy, who supposedly assaulted Vince (but hadn't, of course). Courts do not issue restraining orders to people who know the perpetrator who committed the assault - only the perpetrator.

And I had to roll my eyes again near the end when Faith did what all victims in Lifetime movies do: managed to get the best of the villain and knock him down, but left the weapon lying within his reach instead of grabbing it to keep it away from him. She only went back and picked it up when Jeremy told her to, to get him untied.

Grade C / 4 out of 10.
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