Midnight Mass (2021)
A small masterpiece of contemporary horror
23 February 2024
"Midnight Mass" is a Netflix series created by Mike Flanagan and just because of this we know that the quality of the writing and the originality of the theme will always be at a high level. Set on a small isolated island, the action unfolds with the arrival of a mysterious priest, who brings with him a sequence of supernatural events that challenge the beliefs and understanding of the local inhabitants, delving, episode after episode, deeper and deeper into the themes of horror, of faith and of the consequences of irrational and uncontrolled devotion.

One of the most captivating points of the series is the representation of horror in the figure of the angel/demon. The ambiguity of this character creates constant tension, providing a duality between the divine and the profane, skillfully explored, and adding an extra layer of complexity to the plot.

Biblical references are abundantly present throughout the narrative, offering an intriguing insight into interpretations of faith and its consequences. Religious fanaticism is portrayed in a manner showing how blind devotion can lead to catastrophic results for humanity.

In fact, abusive interpretations of the Bible are explored through characters who manipulate sacred scriptures to justify their own interests, and actions. This raises important questions about the interpretation and application of religious texts, as well as the dangers of following religious leaders without question.

The cast delivers exceptional performances, in particular the work of Hamish Linklater as Father Paul, whose emotional journey is complex and captivating. The relationships between the characters are well developed, especially through almost philosophical dialogues, which adds depth to the narrative and increases the emotional impact of the plot twists (some of which are quite unexpected).

At the heart of this small masterpiece of contemporary horror lies a message about the dangers of religious extremism and the importance of questioning blind beliefs. "Midnight Mass" not only offers a chilling and moving experience, but also invites viewers to reflect on universal questions of faith, redemption and responsibility, namely what religion and being religious mean, whether there will be an overvaluation of practices and rituals, to the detriment of moral and ethical issues. And, above all, it urges the need to accept imperfection as a human condition, of which making mistakes, growing old and dying are all part.
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