Uncharted: The Lost Legacy (2017 Video Game)
Solid game, but even more warning signs then Uncharted 4
26 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There isn't much to say about the gameplay in my opinion. It's still very solid and fun all be it a bit repetitive. It's nice to see Chloe back as she was one of my favorite characters in the series and her voice actress just does a superb job.

My issue is something that came over from Uncharted 4 and that being Sam and Nadine. Sam really didn't need to be there and I would have much more preferred to see Cutter or maybe even Sully.

Sam is just a bland character with no likable traits whatsoever and I don't know if this was on purpose or not. But Nadine Ross takes the cake of being completely irritating. First of all you just know that we are supposed to like her and feel sympathy towards her because she lost her mercenary group to another guy. And thank you Naughty Dog for reminding us player that she is indeed a woman and strong (comically strong unless it's in a boss fight) and independent. But that's nothing new ! Both Chloe and Elaine are also strong in their own way and WAY more likable. And in this game where we have to spend the majority of time with Nadine the voice acting just comes back into focus for me. Nadine apparently can't decide whether she wants to sound like a British royalist from The Crown or have this weird whispery voice that just tries so hard to sound tough and cool. It's very jarring to listen to.

Obviously when we get to meet Sam we are reminded that Nate and him tried to kill her so she is mad at them still. I am sorry but do we just ignore the amount of times she tried to kill them and also lock them in a burning ship AFTER Nate saved her live ?

But I get it she is cool and independent and don't need no man.

On a side not I just want to point out how funny it is that Nadine is voiced by a white woman. Not because its terrible or anything but knowing Naughty Dog and Neil Druckmans politics it's funny because you would think they would be all over this if it was done by someone else. Plus Laura Bailey didn't even do a good job although I don't know if that was the direction she was given by the producers.

I hope they don't do another Uncharted. Ever since Amy Henning was let go the story direction just went all over the place.

Again ironic seeing as they advocate strong women and then fire the woman that made Uncharted great.
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