The Floor (2024– )
Flawed game design that might have been rigged...
2 March 2024
The season begins decent with random people being called upon and the players having the ability to continue playing or go back to the floor. But once you get a few shows in you will realize that the entire game is flawed by design. Here are the reasons why:

The Randomizer: it picks random people, but never chooses a person twice. This gives the players along the edges and in the corners the biggest advantage because the chances of them being chosen to play are minimized. You will realize this by the time you get to the last episode as one of the contestants in the corner is chosen to go into the final round, yet she only played ONE TIME before. And there are many players that made it to the end of the season having never played a single game, yet people who played and won some 10+ games are eliminated.

Gameplay (answer correctly or pass): If a person answers the question correctly then it is the other player's turn. But if they can't answer they will pass, lose 3 seconds, and have to answer before it is their opponent's turn. Because of this, most of the winners win because their opponents couldn't answer the questions and passed too much. So it is not a game by which the player who answers the most questions or knows the most trivia will win, but a game by which the person who passes the most loses. And the person who is never called upon by the Randomizer has the biggest advantage.

The clues: Who picks the order for clues? Because it is not random. The first few clues are always the most obvious, but the clues do not become progressively harder. Randomly at times a player will receive a very hard clue, pass, receive another very hard clue, answer it, then their opponent receives an easy clue... which leads me to --

Rigging: it seems rigged. When you watch a player pass 4 times on very hard clues, only for their opponent to receive easy clues every time, it is hard to believe that the questions are completely random. Not to mention, the players were not sequestered from each other or from the internet, so they were able to fraternize and study their topic each evening. This gave the players in the latter of the season more of an advantage, and even set the stage for the possibility that some players worked together to give a specific player more of a winning chance than others. If you watch the whole season you will be left wondering why a person holding a very large portion of the floor purposely chose a topic that they knew absolutely nothing about, against an opponent that very clearly knew something about the topic, and then passed over and over until they lost, giving their opponent the win with almost zero effort

Each episode the person with the most pieces of the floor wins $20k, and the person who wins at the end takes home an additional $250k. But the last two episodes were strung together as a "season finale" instead of being two individual episodes. This seriously makes me feel like they lost so many viewers towards the end they were not able to afford to give $20k to the winner of the 2nd to the last show.

Don't read this any further if you intend on watching the entire season --- Throughout the season there are multiple players that work very hard to progress... they don't pass, they play and win huge chunks of the floor. Then they lose to a person who played just one single game. This happens a lot towards the end of the season, with the final winner being a contestant that was situated in the corner and only played one time prior. This is so flawed... she didn't deserve to win, and in all honesty it looks like she was given the win, as her opponent just stopped answering questions and passed on everything after choosing a category that he knew nothing about.

The thing I complained about the most while watching the show was the narcissistic attitudes of majority of the women on the floor. They walked and talked with ridiculous levels of arrogance. One woman dressed and acted like she was a teenager. While a grandmother even said "am I hot?" right before the game began, thinking that she would distract her opponent. All of that arrogance was a huge distraction from the gameplay.

We watched all of the season, but decided we would not watch a 2nd season if it is made. Though I highly doubt it will be made because it seems like the producers ran out of money before the 1st season concluded.
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