Delirium (1972)
Italian Giallo Thriller with Mickey HARGITAY
3 March 2024
Hot delirium from Italy

What a psychedelic sex nightmare! Only the Italian film industry from the Cinecitta of the 1970s offers something like this.

After his deployment in the Vietnam War, Herbert Lyntak (Mickey HARGITAY) returns to work as a psychiatrist. He often advises Inspector Edwards (Raoul LOVECCHIO) in finding the perpetrators of his murder cases. What no one knows except Marzia Lyntak (Rita CALDERONI): Lyntak suffers from post-traumatic stress, is impotent and has hallucinations. One day he seemingly murders a young girl. Or is this all just a bad dream? But the girl is actually dead. More murders occur, but Lyntak cannot be responsible for them. A strange game of cat and mouse begins...

In the revealing seventies, the psychedelic dreams of Italian cinema could show many a naked female body. Mickey HARGITAY (1926-2006), Hungarian muscle man, Hercules actor and husband of Hollywood diva Jayne MANSFIELD (1932-1967), really turns it up here. Whether tied to a dog chain or denigrating his reflection as a hyena: HARGITAY delivers the performance of his life. It's not all very believable, but it's definitely entertaining.

AMAZON PRIME VIDEO serves the version with the Vietnam scenes (there are probably different cut models of the film) and there are also more than enough sexualized scenes, so the original version is probably available here. The German dub is even stupider than usual, but that perhaps increases the giallo trash factor.
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