Dragon Ball Z (1989–1996)
Thanks for everything, Akira Toriyama (Part 2)
9 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The original Dragon Ball series started as a fun, light-hearted adventure filled with many wacky characters. However, as the story progressed, its tone slowly shifted into something more serious, intense and epic, with much higher stakes.

Enter Dragon Ball Z, the action-packed series which introduced millions of viewers into the world of manga and anime during the 90s.

Dragon Ball Z was the first anime to be a worldwide phenomenon, predating the Pokemania.

It inspired countless artists and creators from all the different corners of the world, myself included.

I remember when I was a kid, I wanted to create my own Dragon Ball-esque comic, based on werewolves which resembled super saiyans.

Modern generations probably will find this series a bit too slow-paced for their taste...But guess what? After a very recent rewatch, I realized the series wasn't as slow-paced as I remembered.

In addition to that, the filler episodes were quite enjoyable, with most of them having a similar vibe to the first Dragon Ball. Those who dismiss them for being "non-canonical" are simply missing the fun ways in which these episodes expand the Dragon Ball universe, in contrast with Dragon Ball Super, which made the setting more boring and limited.

Goku was an amazing character here. A bit simple-minded for some stuff, but noble, brave and heroic. A character with flaws, but never unlikeable or annoying.

I miss that Goku. The Goku I admired so much during my childhood and teenage years.

That was the Goku that inspired people. The Goku people loved.

The Goku I will always remember.

This and the original series were wonderful treasures which I will always cherish.

Thanks for everything, Akira Toriyama. Might your legend live on!
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