Yakuza Kiwami 2 (2017 Video Game)
A thriller with the Yakuza !
11 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Need to say that i still like the game and like the others games what i really appreciate during the whole time that i played its the story (complex stories ,complex characters and some really unexpected revelations)

i like the stories of the new characters and the ones we already knew : Terada and the real truth about him ( not really dead and had a plan that worked very well ),Kaoru Sayama( the story with her and Kiryu and how they slowly fell in love gave some great moments but the past of that woman will also reveal some interesting revelations about Goda and her and their secret : they are brother and sisters ; quite unexpected and didnt see it coming ), Goda ( his story with Kaoru and the fact that he gets fooled by Terada and also that he is the main vilain in this episode.) the father of Kaoru ( i dont remember his name but its the one who we will slowly discover the truth about the killing in one case of the Jingweon's murder that we will make us understand more his motivation ) What else to say ? Its very deep and have a great way to make things very believable and logical in some ways too ( i love that the event where we saw the Kazuma 's killing told with differents POV( Kiryu young , the father of Kaoru , Terada ....) it was a very brilliant moment and a well written part that i really enjoyed to see all the little things that was hiding and slowly show by itself .

Still a pleasure to see again Kiryu, Haruka, the florist ,Majima ....

the gameplay was a little bit the same but need to say that im pretty disappointed by the fights ( very sad to see only one style of fight only ) and the gameplay of the fights are a little bit annoying sometimes ( camera , some ennemies that was very hard to beat because of the sensation of Kiryu : feel a little bit slow and hard to control against some bosses but it was ok) . I still like also all the activities to do outside the main story( subquest : still very well written and funny for some quests , the UFO Catcher , Golf ..... i spent a very great moment

the graphics are very great and let us appreciate all the details of the characters and the city .

The evolutions of points and stuff really make us want to keep pushing in the story and side quest to unlock the capacities and make us stronger . I need to say that i completely forgot it was made with the new engine and i was shocked that when i entered a place ( a restaurant , video games ,sports) it didnt have any loading screen and for the immersion it was really great!

The story was very great and its always one of my favorite part of the Yakuza franchise and this one was really great in every aspect and like the humor with Majima and make us relax a little bit after deep diving with Kiryu and the story . The Jingweon event was a really great moment and make us see all the complexities of the story and how all the characters are link in some ways . I watched it like a great thriller movie and i enjoyed each part even if its kind the same themes ( family , power,money ,murders,love ) but it was a really great episode and i still like that franchise for sure . Need to see more.

I need also to talk about the Majima Saga that is included with that videogame . It really bring back the memories of Yakuza Zero where we could control Goro Majima . So of course its only one fight style sadly but what a difference ! His movements are crazy fast and feel very great when fighting like in Yakuza Zero . The story was too short but still have some interesting revelations and mysteries ( Ubuchi and the fact that he was the one who pulling the strings and that Kawamura was just exploited because of his debts and Ubuchi kille. Himself) . I didnt see it coming to be honest. And thats why Majima created Majima construction. A Nice story anyway despite its really short but it even remind Yakuza Zero more with the arrival of Majima in the massage place and that he meets again with Makoto 18 years later . It was a really heartbreaking moment during the massage : Makoto remember her past and Majima tried very hard to not telling her thats him who saved her . Very well made and make us pretty aware of this situation.

And at the end she leaves in a plane with her family . A nice moment but maybe also sad : does it mean that we will not see her again ? Thats make it an end with Majima and her relationship with him ? I dont really know but i still appreciate the game and that short story about Majima and it was still a great pleasure to control him again .
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