The Cursed Shredder
21 March 2024
A man named Harley O'Connor throws his mother, Mrs. O'Connor, inside a shredder while cleaning their lawn in a suburban house. Months later, Jack opens a letter from a costumer to Lewis with one hundred dollars inside and thanking for his shopping. Ryan tracks down and finds that the letter is from Harley, and the sold item is a portable shredder. They go to Haley's house and finds it is derelict, and soon they learn that Haley is interned in a mental facility. Their further investigation shows that a man named Robert "Smitty" Smith bought the apparatus in an auction. Smitty is an old man that owns a small gardening company that is working for the wealthy Mrs. Amanda Harrington arranging her garden. His low-life employee Adrian is blackmailed by a vagrant and kills him. He throws his body in the shredder and receives money from the machine. Soon he learns that more valuable the person he throws inside the shredder, more money he receives. Ryan and Micki meet Smitty and offer a large amount to him to buy the shredder, and Smitty accepts the offer. Adrian overhears the conversation, and Smitty becomes his next victim in his crime spree. Meanwhile, Lloyds visits Micki to press her to return home with him; otherwise, he will call off the wedding.

"Root of All Evil" is one of the best episodes of "Friday the 13th: The Series", with a good story of a cursed shredder. Enrico Colantoni perform a great villain, so scum that in the end he worths nothing for the shredder. The end of the romance of Lloyd and Micki is also entertaining. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Onde Caminha o Mal" ("Where Evil Walks")
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