A moment of reflection
27 March 2024
7.0 stars.

As I meander through this very very sad documentary, I can only think to myself: what a crying shame. We take the lives of spectacular athletes for granted. These are people.

Katya had a lot of pressure in her life and apparently it was too much to handle. Add to this the fact that she had multiple organ problems and possibly alcohol induced epilepsy? From what I've read, alcohol induced epilepsy is just another way of saying: severe alcoholism. The way that she died... How she was alone in a cold place in a cold country, where she might have been under-appreciated... I've said this before, I repeat it: so many great athletes, politicians, celebrities, heroes, have died lonely and disillusioned by what they thought was a medical comrade..."na-zda-roh-vye?" Not so much.
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