The Cursed Electric Chair
28 March 2024
In 1978, Eli Pittman is sentenced to death penalty in an electric chair. He claims that he is innocent, but the warden tells him that his stay has been denied. However, the execution fails twice, and Eli is sent to a mental institution for examination. Ten years later, Eli is working as a dentist at the Haverstock Reform School with the electric chair disguised as a dentist chair. Meanwhile, Jack and Ryan go to the prison to know the whereabouts of the electric chair. The warden tells them that the chair was sold to Lewis and that Eli was innocent in the end. Eli executes a boy at Haverstock and absorbs the electricity generated in the process. He looks for DA Daniial Kendricks, who was responsible for his case, and electrocutes him in the beginning of his crime spree to revenge those who sentenced him to death.

"The Electrocutioner" is another good episode of "Friday the 13th: The Series", with the story of a deranged man that escaped from death by electric chair. The plot is intriguing and the conclusion could not be different. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "O Executor" ("The Executor")
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